Rapoo V700: l’entry level essenziale ma meccanica

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Rapoo-V700-25Oggi lo staff di Xtremehardware.com vi porta la recensione di un prodotto di un nuovo brand poco conosciuto in Italia, Rapoo. La recensione di oggi sarà sulla nuova tastiera meccanica V700 di Rapoo o più precisamente della sua neonata divisione gaming: VPRO Gaming. Questo nuovo brand di Rapoo è ancora giovane ed ha a listino pochi prodotti, che vedremo nel corso di questa e di prossime recensioni. Non ci dilunghiamo troppo e passiamo all’analisi di questa tastiera da gaming.





VPRO Gaming logo


A seguire vi riportiamo la descrizione ufficiale del brand VPRO Gaming:

“VPRO is the label given to innovative and premium-quality product developments from Rapoo Gaming Labs. Rapoo, winner of multiple accolades from the press and international bodies such as the Industry Forum Design (iF) for its product quality and design, will now fully utilize its vast experience and incredible inventiveness, which it has already proven in other areas, in the gaming segment. With its exacting product-quality standards and the close-knit way specialists from different fields of expertise work together at one production facility VPRO is able to drastically shorten product-development cycles, allowing it to respond more quickly to new trends and the growing needs of the gaming community. In contrast to its competitors, Rapoo's ability to develop and produce almost all components itself offers incredible advantages when it comes to value for money. The long-term developments planned for the hardcore, competitive field VPRO is active in are intended to further enhance the parent company Rapoo's existing product portfolio.”


Questa invece è la filosofia del brand direttamente dal CEO Michael Zeng:

“Rapoo as VPRO Gaming will bring its strengths into the game. Exacting product-quality standards, achieved by specialists from almost all fields of expertise needed, the ability to drastically shorten product-development cycles and to respond more quickly to changing needs of the gaming community. Compared to its competitors, Rapoo's ability to develop and produce almost all components itself offers incredible advantages when it comes to value for money. "VPRO's aim is to take on the deadly serious world of the gaming-peripheral brands with a twinkle in its eye, without taking its eye off the top spot. After all, gaming equipment should do two things: Deliver an awesome experience for the gamer and a real benefit for the gameplay – and do all this while offering great value for money, without being pretentious"